User Interface - Documentation
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Users - User Interface

  • Entrance

    This is the login screen of the Users application.

  • Active Users

    This is the screen where information about the personnel active in the company is displayed.


    On the users page, User Name / Company / Department / Position, Role, Authority Percentage, Mobile, License, Leave Date information are listed in a table.



  • Passive Users

    This is the screen where information about inactive personnel in the company is displayed.

    On the Passive users page, User Name / Company / Department / Position, Role, Authority Percentage, Mobile, License, Leave Date information are listed in a table.

  • Deleted Users

    This is the screen where information about deleted personnel in the company is displayed.

    On the deleted users screen, User Name / Company / Department / Position, Role, Authority Percentage, Mobile, License, Registration Date information are listed in a table.

  • Roles

    This is the screen where the roles defined to the users are displayed.

    On the Roles screen, Title, Status, and Number of Users information are listed in a table.

    The role is defined by pressing the add new button.


    Title to describe the role. Situation; Active/Passive, Sequence information is entered and saved.

  • Powers

    This is the screen where user permissions are displayed. User empowerment ensures a clear distribution of tasks and responsibilities.

    To edit user permissions, edit is made by pressing the edit bar.

  • User Licenses

    User licenses refer to the licenses billed to you.

    On the User Licenses screen, Price, Period, Expiration, Phase, and Remaining Days information are listed in a table.

  • Entry and Exit Information

    This is the screen where the user's login and logout information is displayed. Entry and exit information; It is divided into three groups: User Based Chronological and IP Addresses.

    User Based Login – Logout Information

    User-Based Login - Logout Information List screen includes User Name, IP Address, Last Login Date, Last Online Time, Duration Details information. By clicking on the user, detailed IP Address, Login, Last Online Time, Duration information can be accessed.

    Chronologically Based Entry – Exit Information

    Entry - Exit information is displayed chronologically.

    The Chronological Login - Logout information screen includes User Name, IP Address, Login Date, Last Online Date, Duration information.

    IP Addresses Login - Logout Information

    IP Address, Tag Name, Number of Successful Logins, Number of Failed Logins, Add (Change) Label, Tag Transactions information are included on the IP Addresses Based Login – Login information screen. Add (Change) Tag and Tag Transactions are updated.


  • External User Logins

    This is the screen where external user logins are displayed.

    The External User Logins screen includes Management Company, User, Local User, Request Time and Status information.

  • Support

    Entranet User provides remote access to the system to provide support regarding installation, adjustments-configurations and usage. Optionally, this user can deactivate it.