Taxpayer Details - Documentation
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Taxpayers - Taxpayer Details

  • Summary

    This screen provides a summary of the taxpayer's information.

    Details about the company to which the taxpayer is affiliated are displayed, including the company name, current account details, tax number, tax office, email, business phone number, and a description.

  • General Information

    This screen displays general information about the taxpayer.

    The company name and description can be edited to update the taxpayer's information.

    Clicking on the company link provides further details about the company.

  • Contact Information

    This is the screen that contains the taxpayer's contact information.

    Customer contact information is provided via e-mail and business phone numbers.

    Personnel contact information includes e-mail, address, telephone number, delivery address and alternative contact addresses.

    Taxpayer contact information is organized and recorded.

  • Financial Advisor

    This is the screen where information about the financial advisor is displayed.

    The financial advisor is given in a tabular form with the company name for which he is responsible, the relevant person and the creation information details.

    A new financial advisor is added from the Add New Financial Advisor button.

  • Chartered Accountant

    This is the screen where information about the certified public accountant is displayed.

    The name of the company for which the certified public accountant is responsible, the person concerned and the creation information are given in a tabular form with details.

    A new certified public accountant is added from the Add New Certified Public Accountant button.

  • Folders

    This is the screen where files related to the taxpayer are displayed.

    VAT Refund

    All records of VAT refund files are displayed on this screen.

    VAT refund files are provided in a tabular form with information on the customer, year of work, period, file refund amount and the refund amount realised.

    At the bottom of the page, there is page total and grand total information.

  • Documents

    This is the screen where documents related to the taxpayer are displayed.

    Documents are provided in a tabular form with document information, status, creation information and transaction information.

    Files can be viewed, saved and edited through operations.

    A new document is added with the Add New Document button.

  • Basic Components

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