Editing Dues Record - Documentation
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Subscription Fees - Editing Dues Record

  • Summary

    This is the Dues Summary screen.

    Customer, Current Account, General Information is displayed. The dues record is deleted with the Delete Record button.

  • Edit

    This screen allows for editing dues records.

    To edit a dues record, modify the following details: Dues Direction, Category, Subject, Urgency, Accrual Date, Start Date, End Date, Period, Delay Compensation Rate, Amount, Related Product, and Description. After making all the necessary changes, save the updated record by pressing the Save button.


  • Periods

    This screen displays dues periods.

    The periods based on the selected criteria are shown in the dues record. On the Dues Periods screen, the following information is listed in a table: Order, Situations, Direction, Status, Group, Maturity, and Amount.