User Interface - Documentation
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Retail POS - User Interface

  • Entrance

    It is the login screen of the retail POS application.

  • Sales

    This is the screen where sales are shown by categorizing them according to their status.

    Open Orders

    This is the screen where open orders and orders in progress are displayed.

    Open orders Order Code, It is given in a table form with the Customer, Order Quantity, Price and Date information.

    Closed Orders

    This is the screen where orders that are closed and have completed their process are displayed.

    Closed orders Order Code, It is given in a table form with the Customer, Order Quantity, Price and Date information.

    Cancelled Orders

    This is the screen where cancelled orders are displayed.

    Cancelled orders Order Code, It is given in a table form with the Customer, Order Quantity, Price and Date information.

  • Warehouse

    This is the screen where the stock status and reports in the warehouse are displayed.

    Stock Cards

    Contains detailed information about the products in stock.

    Stock cards include product image, product/manufacturer code, product name, detailed information, brand, stock, purchase, blocked and total details.


    Stock Value Report

    It is the screen that is used to display analyses and statistics regarding stock value.

    The stock value report includes product code, product name, warehouse, unit purchase price, unit sales price, quantity, purchase and sales data.

  • Financial Assets

    This is the screen where financial assets related to the retail POS application are displayed.


    The cash registers where sales are made are listed.

    Safes;   Order, Case Name, Situation, Final Process, Registration Date, It is listed with the Modified Date and Balance information.


    This is the screen where bank accounts are listed.

    Bank accounts; Account No. Final Process, Total Incoming, It is listed with Total Outgoing and Balance information.


    This is the screen where POS accounts are listed.

    POS accounts; POS No, Final Process, Total Incoming, It is listed with Total Outgoing and Balance information.

  • Financial Transactions

    This is the screen where financial transactions related to the retail POS application are displayed.


    Details of payments made are displayed.

    Payments Date, Customer, Explanation, Sales Representatives are given in a table with Region and Amount information.


    Details regarding the invoices issued are displayed.

    Invoices are given in a tabular form with Date, Customer, Invoice Number, Status, Description and Amount information.


    Details of expenses spent are displayed.

    Expenses Order, Customer, Explanation, Registration Date, Update Date, Expense Date, Amount, VAT and It is given in a tabular form with amount + VAT information.

    End of Day Report

    This is the screen where end-of-day reports are listed.

    End of day reports Date - time, Closing Amount, Previously Transferred, Transferred to Later, Revenues, It is given in a table form together with Transaction Information and Shipment information.

  • Analysis

    This is the screen where the analyses of the retail POS application are displayed.

    Sales Analysis

    Analysis of sales is displayed in detail.

    Model Name/Model Code, Product Name/Product Code, Sub-Product Name/Sub-Product Code, Barcode Stock Quantity, Sales Quantity, Price, VAT and Total Amount information is included.

  • Settings

    You can access the settings document via the relevant menu.
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