Editing Photo Recording - Documentation
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Photos - Editing Photo Recording

  • General Information

    This is the screen where general information is organized.

    Group, Category, Album, Title, Key, Permalink, Rank, Display Date, Author, Source, Source URL information are arranged on the general information screen. After all operations are completed, they are saved by pressing the Save button. Or the process is canceled by pressing the Cancel button.

  • Image File

    This is the screen where the image file is displayed.

    The Image File screen includes Original, Quote Image, Medium Image, Large Image information. It can be deleted by pressing the delete key. Images can be recreated by pressing the Regenerate Thumbnails button.


  • Photo Text

    This is the screen where the photo text is displayed.

    Summary information is entered to add photo text. After all operations are completed, they are saved by pressing the Save button.

  • Parameters

    This is the screen where the parameters are displayed.

    Stock Card information is entered. After all operations are completed, they are saved by pressing the Save button.

  • Meta Tags

    This is the screen where meta tags are displayed.

    To enter the Meta Tag, Keyword, Description, Browser Title information is entered. After all operations are completed, they are saved by pressing the Save button. Or it is saved by pressing the Cancel button.

  • Comments

    This is the screen where comments are displayed.

    The Comments screen contains Information and Comment information.