About the Application - Documentation
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Personnels - About the Application

  • Definition

    The Staff app is an application consisting of a set of tools and modules designed to help businesses manage the daily workflows of their human resources (HR) departments. This application allows employers to automate and optimize various HR functions such as recruiting, onboarding, payroll, performance management, training and development.


  • Aim

    The purpose of personnel software is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of HR departments. This is accomplished in various ways, such as:

    • Task automation: Saves time and money by automating manual tasks such as payroll calculation, leave tracking, and performance reviews.
    • Data management: Improves data consistency and accessibility by providing a platform to securely store and manage employee data in a central location.
    • Reporting and analysis: Promotes data-driven decision-making by providing reports and analysis to gain insight into human resources data such as hiring trends, payroll costs, and employee satisfaction.
    • Compliance: Helps ensure legal and regulatory compliance in areas such as recruiting, payroll, and workforce management.


  • Key Benefits
    • It significantly increases the efficiency and effectiveness of HR departments with task automation and data management.
    • It helps reduce payroll and other HR costs by reducing manual errors and optimizing processes.
    • It promotes data-driven decision-making by providing reports and analysis to gain insight into HR data.
    • Helps ensure legal and regulatory compliance.
    • More efficient and effective HR processes can help increase employee satisfaction and retention.