User interface - Documentation
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Lists - User interface

  • Login screen

    This is the home page of the Lists application.


  • Applications

    Customers: This is a screen where customer information is managed and allows customer relations to be developed.


    Projects: This is the screen that facilitates the management of different business or personal projects and allows tracking the project progress.

  • List Types

    Ön Tanımlı Liste: Beyaz, Gri ve Kara Listeler tanımlı olarak listelenir. Belirlenen kriterlere göre liste içine girilir Yeni Öğe Ekle butonuna tıklanır, müşteri eklenir.





    Sabit Listeler: Belirlenen kritere göre listeler oluşturulur.


    Dinamik Listeler: Dinamik liste oluşturulurken manuel müşteri eklenmesine gerek yoktur. Filtreler ile ya SQL sorgusu ile öğeler dinamik olarak çekilir.






  • Settings

    General Settings: The application color is adjusted with the feature.


    Use Sublist Feature: By checking the feature, sublists are also created for the created list.




    Authorized Users: Personnel authorized to access the application are listed and authorizations can be added or removed.