Editing A Receivable Record - Documentation
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Demands - Editing A Receivable Record

  • Summary

    This is the screen where summary information is displayed.

    The summary screen includes Customer Information, Current Account, Related Product, Receivable Information, Status, and Description. From the Transactions menu, shortcuts such as Mark as "Paid", Partial Payment, Transfer to Invoice, Copy Receivable Record, and Delete Record can be performed.


  • Edit

    This is the screen where receivables records are edited.

    Customer, Transaction Code, Document Code, Independent Section, Subject, Urgency, Accrual Date, Due Date, Amount, Related Product, Description information is edited. After all transactions are completed, they are saved by pressing the Save button.

  • Log Records

    Records of transactions made in the receivables record are listed.

    The log records screen displays User Name, Record Information, Description, Transaction Status, and Date information in a table format.