Settings - Documentation
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Delivery - Settings

  • General Settings

    -Settings are customized by selecting the settings to be used according to the company's preference from the General Settings menu.

    The color of the application is saved by selecting the preferred color.

    The stage of the shipment order is determined by using the stage feature.

    If the company has more than one branch, the application can be separated according to my companies.

    Product and Warehouse Distribution features are available.

    The Production Outputs feature is available.

    When using the Picking Order Form Feature, picking order form users must be selected.

    Daily Order Forms can be used.

    Branch Return Orders can be displayed.

    Recurring Order Forms can be used.

    Warning sounds can be used when entering barcodes.

    Pictures may be shown on shipping orders.

    Manufacturer Code may be shown on shipping orders.

    Pictures may be shown on collection orders.

    Brands may be displayed on collection orders.

    Automatic billing process is available.

    Order Record Temporary Lock Period Records can be temporarily locked during the Picking Order and Billing processes.

    Features Not To Be Used

    The Shipping Orders feature may not be used.

    Default Warehouse / Issue Movement Type is selected.

    Collection Order

    You can use the Collection Order Creation feature.

    A shipping order with all items collected can be closed.

    The shipping order with all items collected can be transferred to the stages.

    Partially collected shipment orders can be transferred in stages.

    A Purchase Request can be created for the missing items.

    The stages for creating a Purchase Request can be selected as Pending, In Process, Procurement or Completed.

    The Purchase Request can be transferred to the stages of the created shipment order.

    Items can be grouped by product.

    Entry with Parcel can be used.

    Grouping and sorting by Shelf Addressing is available.

    Transfer to Delivery Note

    When the delivery note is created, it can be processed into automatic stock.

    A cargo record is created for the relevant order.

  • Stage Definitions

    Definitions are created for the stages of Shipment Orders, making it easier to track shipment orders.

    The Phase Definitions screen lists the Color, Phase Name, and properties.

    A stage is added by pressing the Add New Stage button.

    To add, enter Stage Information and Stage Options information. Save by pressing the Save button. The stage is then edited.

    -General Information

    In the General Information screen, Stage Name, Description, Order and Stage Options are edited.

    -Phase Color

    Choosing a color that represents the stage makes it distinguishable in the list.

    -User Authorizations

    User authorizations are given selectively according to preference.

    Authorized Users

    The authorized users' Name and Surname information is listed on the authorized users screen. Stage authorizations can be edited.

    -Editing Stage Authorizations

    When editing stage authorizations , all operations are saved by pressing the Save button after completion.

  • Shipping Units

    This is the screen where shipping units are displayed.

    The Unit Name information is on the Seckiyat units screen. A shipment unit is added by pressing the Add New button.

    To add a shipping unit, enter the Unit Name and Sequence information.

  • Authorized Users

    Having certain authorities in the company is an important element that increases organizational efficiency and workflow. Authorization ensures a clear distribution of tasks and responsibilities.

    On the Authorized Users screen, users are given the required authorizations and saved.