About the Application - Documentation
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Costs - About the Application

  • Definition

    Expenses application is a software that allows users to track their daily, monthly and annual expenses, manage these expenses by categorizing them and analyze their financial situation.

  • Aim

    The purpose of the Expenses application is to enable users to easily record and track their daily, monthly and annual expenses in one place, manage their budgets more effectively by dividing their expenses into categories, analyze their financial situations through graphs and indicators, and make informed financial decisions.

  • Key Benefits
    • Provides a login screen for users to access the application.

    • It offers fast and secure login.

    • Daily, monthly and annual expenses are recorded.

    • Expenses are separated according to categories.

    • Spending habits are analyzed.

    • Includes detailed statistics of income and expenses.

    • The application can be personalized.

    • There are options such as notification settings, adding or editing categories.