Settings - Documentation
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Commissions - Settings

  • General Settings

    Genel Ayarlar menüsünden firmanın tercihine göre kullanacağı ayarlar seçilerek ayarlar özelleştirilir. 

    Tercih edilen renk seçilerek uygulamanın rengi kaydedilir. 

    Çoklu dil desteği seçeneği aktifleştirilir. 

    Uygulama firmalara ya da şubelere göre ayrıştırılır.

    Siparişten oluşan komisyonlarda otomatik cari eşleştirme ayarları yapılır.

    Komisyon gelirleri ve giderleri ile alakalı ayarlar düzenlenip kaydedilir.

  • Category Definitions

    This is the screen where the settings of commission categories are made and saved.

    Categories; It is listed with Category Name and Sequence Number.

    The name and order of the categories are edited.

    A new category is added from the Add New Category screen.

  • Basic Components

    This is the screen where the basic components of the application are determined.

    Components suitable for the company or branch are selected from the Basic Components screen.

    The Core Components feature can be disabled from this screen.

  • Connection Settings

    This is the screen where it is determined which applications the application will be linked to.

    Other applications that will be linked to the Commissions application are selected from the Connection Settings screen.

  • Authorized Users

    This is the screen where authorized users in company departments are determined.

    Users are listed by department.

    Users' authorization levels are determined on this screen.

    Edits such as company and department names are made and saved.