Editing A Check Record - Documentation
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Cheque - Editing A Check Record

  • Checks Issued

    This is the screen where the given Check record is edited. The Editing Screen is divided into six sections: Summary, General Information, Transactions, Accounting Voucher, Meta Data.


    The summary screen includes the Recorder, Check Status, Transaction Type, Transaction Category, Reference Code, Issue Date, Amount, Maturity Date, Check Number, and Description information.

    General Information

    The General Information screen includes Transaction Category, Issue Date, Reference Code, Transaction Type, Amount, Maturity Date, Bank, Bank Branch, Account, Check Number, Description information.


    -Bank Payment

    On the Bank Payment screen, Account, Transaction Category, Reference Code, Amount, Transaction Date, and Description Information are entered.

    - Protest

    The Protest screen includes Transaction Date and Description information.

    -Get a refund

    The Get Refund screen includes Reference Code, Amount, Transaction Date, and Description information.

    Accounting Receipt

    The Accounting Voucher screen contains the recorded accounting voucher information.


    To add metadata, Keyword and Value information is entered. After all operations are completed, it is saved by pressing the Save button.


  • Checks Received

    This is the screen where the Check Received record is edited. Checks Received are divided into seven sections: Summary, General Information, Transactions, Wire Transfers, Transaction History, Accounting Voucher, Meta Data.


    This is the screen where summary information is displayed.

    General Information

    The General Information screen includes Check Cashier, Transaction Category, Issue Date, Reference Code, Transaction Type, Amount, Maturity Date, Bank, Branch, Account, Check No, Written to Order, Drawer Location, Check Owner, Description information.


    → Cash Collection

    On the Cash Collection screen, Cash, Transaction Category, Reference Code, Amount, Transaction Date, and Description information is entered.

    → Bank Collection

    On the Bank Collection screen, Bank, Transaction Category, Reference Code, Amount, Transaction Date, and Description information is entered.

    → Turnover Payment

    On the Turnover Payment screen, Transaction Category, Reference Code, Amount, Transaction Date, and Description information is entered.

    → Protest

    On the Protest screen, Transaction Date and Description information is entered.

    → Return

    On the Return screen, Transaction Category, Reference Code, Amount, Transaction Date, and Description information is entered.


    -Check Box

    On the Check Cashier screen, Cashier, Transaction Category, Reference Code, Amount, Transaction Date, and Description information is entered.

    - Bank Clearing

    On the Bank Clearing screen, Bank Clearing Cash, Transaction Category, Reference Code, Amount, Transaction Date, and Description information is entered.

    - Bank Guarantee

    On the Bank Clearing screen, Bank Collateral Cash, Transaction Category, Reference Code, Amount, Transaction Date, and Description information is entered.

    Transaction History

    On the Transaction History screen, Date, Action / Description, Status / Position, Contains transaction information.

    Accounting Receipt

    The Accounting Voucher screen contains the recorded accounting voucher information.


    On the Metadata screen, Keyword and Value information is entered.