About The Application - Documentation
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Cheque - About The Application

  • Definition

    The check application is an application that allows the creation and management of digital versions of traditional paper checks. The application allows the processes such as the issuance, issuance and collection of checks to be tracked electronically.

  • Aim

    Çek uygulamasının amacı, çek işlemlerini hızlı hale getirerek kullanıcıların zaman ve maliyet tasarrufu yapmasını sağlamaktır. Ayrıca çeklerin izlenebilirliğini artırmak da önemli hedefler arasındadır.

  • Key Benefits
    • Check transactions are carried out much faster electronically.
    • Transactions made electronically can be monitored and recorded more easily. This also facilitates accounting and auditing processes.