User interface - Documentation
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Callcenter - User interface

  • Login screen

    This is the login page of the call center application.

  • Searches

    In cases where a call is received by a person registered to the call center, the caller's information is opened. Who the customer is and the transactions are displayed, helping you establish smoother communication.

    Open Searches: Open search records can be examined. A new call record is added. When adding a call record, a person who is in the CRM records can be selected by typing the name and number, or a person who is not in the records can be added.

    Calls can be detailed by entering the relevant call log and entering information such as time, person, person spoken to and reason for the call.

    Closed Calls: Closed call records are examined. It is listed daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.

    Canceled Calls: Calls canceled daily, weekly, monthly and annually are listed and their details can be examined.


  • Search Calendar

    My Own Records: With the My Records screen, collective records can be reviewed in the calendar on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    Customer Representatives : Collective records of all customer representatives are reviewed in the calendar on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

  • Search Schedule

    The daily search schedule link is clicked and the daily search information is listed.

  • Statistics

    All call records on the dates that customers or representatives are interested in are examined in detail. Records are listed by clicking on the cells in the table.


    Customer Statistics: After reaching the application detail page, Customer statistics information can be accessed by clicking Statistics from the left menu.

    Representative Statistics: After reaching the application detail page, Representative statistics information can be accessed by clicking Statistics from the left menu.


  • Settings

    You can access the settings document via the relevant menu.