Service - Solutions
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Site Management

Member Management

Manage your members with applications such as Membership System, Resident Management, Personnel Management, Announcements, Events, Notifications, Suggestions and Complaints, Surveys.

Financial Management

Manage your finances with applications such as Dues Tracking, Invoicing-Accrual, Online Collection, Rent Module, Site Accounting Management, Bank Integrations, Income-Expense Tracking.

Maintenance Management

Manage your maintenance with application solutions such as Work Requests, Activity/Work List, Environment and Cleaning Management, Periodic Maintenance Tracking, Fault Record Management.

Security Management

Manage your security with Card Pass, License Plate Recognition, Visitor Registration, Camera Monitoring solutions.

Technical Service Management

Customer List

List your customers who are registered in the technical service, see your customer's open and closed service records.


Examine the statistics of technical service personnel's open, closed, pending, in process and completed service records.

Warranty Tracking

Warranty Serial Number

Enter product codes, invoice dates, warranty start and end dates along with serial numbers one by one or upload them in bulk from Excel.

Warranty Check

Let the system automatically perform the warranty check for you based on product serial numbers, and let the management of warranty records be under your control.

Shipment and Acceptance Procedures

Tracking Service Forms

Record the form's general information, warranty status, contact persons, and fault category. See the transactions, expenses, payment information and delivery information of the forms.

Service Phase Definitions

Record service stages such as pending, in process, completed. Manage your forms according to these stages.

Stage Deadlines

Set deadlines for service stages. List overdue forms with their delay times.

Auto Reply

When your forms change phases, your customers will be automatically informed as planned beforehand.

Spare Parts Management

Spare Parts List

Enter the product detail information of your spare parts, as well as group, category, brand and price list information into the system.

Supplier Price Lists

Add supplier price lists for your products. Automatically see the fee in the service form when the product is used.

Ticket Support Registration System

Support Record Tracking

Classify support tickets into groups and categories. Assign the contact person and define specific tasks and activities for the support ticket.

Support Ticket Stage Definitions

Define steps such as pending, in process, analysis, R&D, and track your support records according to these steps.

Auto Reply

When an action is taken regarding the support ticket or on holidays, information that the support ticket will be reviewed after the holiday is automatically sent to the customer.

Complaint Management

Complaint Form

Increase customer satisfaction with complaint management, where your customers can easily convey their complaints to you by filling out the complaint form on your website.

Complaint Form Follow-up

Automatically assign complaints to their contacts. Manage complaint with a specific workflow. Make sure the problems are resolved once and for all.

Flexible Solution by Virtualization

360 Degree Customer Activities

Customer Activities

View all your customers' activities on a single screen and access their details.

Customer Project Management

Customer Specific Project

Define unlimited custom projects for your customers. Add tasks, activities, notes, documents, support records, E-mails under the project title.

Project Cost

The project cost is automatically calculated from the activity records of the personnel working for the project and compared with the budget.