Project Management - Solutions
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Identify Needs, Manage Resources

Manage your project anytime, anywhere with the mobile app.

Project Management - Overview - Visual List
Project management
Project management

Make your project plan, manage your project with tasks, activities, notes. See project status at a glance.

Resource Management
Resource Management

Enter activities and costs into your project and manage your billable resources effectively and efficiently.

Team work
Team work

Manage your team's work using task lists, kanban and calendar.

Discover Powerful Features


Add tasks manually or from a template. For sub-tasks, add control items to the tasks, if you wish, assign a responsible person to the control item.


Determine the total working time for the task by adding activities to the task. Add activities to the project independent of tasks.

Document Management
Document Management

Attach relevant documents to your projects or tasks. List all documents added in one screen.


Add forum topics, allow other participants of the project to comment on the topic.


Create a project budget, compare the targeted and actual income and expense items, see the difference between them and their realization rates.


Manage project costs within the framework of the determined budget, make cost budget controls.


Specify the group and category, define an unlimited number of cost centers and expense items.


Make authorization settings based on department, person or roles. Determine who can access the project.

Use Modern Visual Tools

Simplify the view of project steps with kanban lists and improve employee collaboration, increasing project efficiency.

Use Modern Visual Tools
Add Components to Projects

Add activities, forum posts, notes, support records to projects and tasks, forget about complex work steps to track projects.

Add Components to Projects
Frequently Asked Questions
  • What are the Project Management applications features?

    Tasks, activities, notes, project planning, gantt, kanban, budget, cost are the main features of project management applications.