Control Panel - Solutions
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Domain Names

Domain Names Management

Get a new domain name with Entranet and manage your domain names easily. Register domain names with start and end dates. Manage all domains along with transaction channel, supplier, remaining time.

Domain Name Registration

Register the domain names you purchase immediately, eliminating the risk of your domain name being registered by others.

Domain Name Transfer

Transfer all your domain names to Entranet free of charge, pay only the fee to extend your domain name for 1 year.


DNS Records List

Register server, name server, SOA information and DNS. List all DNS records with transaction channel, vendor, status, expiration date, and number of days remaining.

DNS Operations

Recreate the Properties (SOA) and Zone records settings according to the default template. Copy the Zone records in the DNS record to another DNS record.


Security Services

See the suppliers, status, expiration dates of your security services and follow their duration.

Email Accounts

Email Accounts

Add e-mail accounts to your domain registrations and see your incoming e-mails via mailbox.

Domain Accounts

Register your domain accounts and add the e-mail addresses of the account under the domain.

Systematic E-mail Logs

List Systemic E-mails with their template, sender-recipient information, and success status.


Service Information

Access network service information.


Service Information

Access information about your servers, such as service package, supplier, number of remaining days of service.


Snapshot Records

Examine database Snapshot records. Create new Snapshot records.

Web Hosting

Service Information

Get information about web hosting services.


Automatic Backup

Keep all your data safe at all times with Entranet's smart automatic backup feature.

Manual Backup

Manually backup and restore your data whenever you want.

Internal Backup (Disk)

Set automatic backup settings, back up the database, website, website files, Entranet files to your disk.

External Backup (Cloud)

Back up your data on your cloud server according to the period you prefer. Restore your backed up server when necessary.


Scheduled Tasks

Run your tasks automatically according to a certain period. List scheduled tasks. See start, end, last work and upcoming work calendars.