Call Center - Solutions
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Call Center - Overview - Visual List
Save Your Searches
Save Your Searches

Record all your incoming or outgoing calls. List missed calls. Automatically match with your CRM records.

See Call Calendar
See Call Calendar

See future or actual searches on a time basis on the calendar. Examine your own calendar or the call calendars of customer representatives.

Review Statistics
Review Statistics

View the call statistics of customers or customer representatives based on date.

Manage Your Searches

Know the Calling Customer
Know the Calling Customer

Get to know the person or institution on the incoming call. Automatically access your registered information. See all their added activities.

Create Request From Call
Create Request From Call

Instantly save the customer's support record, complaint or request to the system.

Connect Call to Other Apps
Connect Call to Other Apps

Easily connect your call to projects, tasks, proposals, contracts.

Integrate with IP PBXs

Receive calls from anywhere with an internet connection and manage your call center at very low costs with the IP-based telephone switchboard.

Integrate with IP PBXs
Frequently Asked Questions
  • What are the features of Call Center applications?

    Operator management, call schedule, daily call schedule, IP switchboard integration are the basic features of the call center.