Titarus - Products
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Contract Management

Open Contracts List

See all open contracts' vehicle information, lessor person or company information, rental information, service breakdowns, payments made, discounts, additional service information, contract partner, customer's risk information.

List of Closed or Canceled Contracts

List with filters for customers, companies, vehicles, stations and sales representatives. See vehicle information, renter information, rental information, service breakdown.

Risk Management

Record and list problematic customers according to their problem status. Identify the ones you don't want to give vehicles to. Manage your risk.


Review open RA summary analysis, open RA retainers, rental resources, and vacancies analysis.

Reservation Management

Car, Chauffeured Car and Transfer Service Reservation

Record the reservations with vehicle type, station, sales representative, exit-return information, duration, payment method, currency, current exchange value information. Add discounts, additional services.

Suggesting Extras to the Reservation

Increase your income by suggesting to add extras such as additional driver's seat, tire-window-headlight insurance, mini damage insurance.

Reservation Settings

Make price period definitions, payment methods, discount settings. Determine seasonal prices according to vehicle classes. Set the closed dates for reservation.

Listing Reservations

Filter by customers, vehicles, stations, salespeople. List any closed or canceled reservations. See service dumps.


Vehicle Reservation and Transfer Service Request

Let your customers list the vehicles according to the place of purchase, place of return, date of delivery, date of delivery, how many hours of rental or from where to where they will be transferred, and make their reservation online.

Online Collection

After making their reservation preferences, your customers can make their online payment or use the Pay at Office option.

Access from All Devices

Thanks to the mobile compatibility of your website, your customers can access from all mobile devices.

Accounting Management

Invoice and Proforma Tracking

Cut your invoices quickly and easily through the template, and keep track of your invoices. Easily share and reconcile with your customers with e-invoice.

Current Account Tracking

Easily add current account record. See the total balances, status and last transaction dates of your current customers. List their current movements.

Income Expense Tracking

Record and track all operational expenses, administrative expenses and personnel expenses of your business. Don't get surprises.

Finance Diary

Monitor all your financial transactions such as income-expenses, expenses, advances on a single screen on a daily basis. List your payments, invoices, proforma.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Management of Opportunities with Activities

Track every step of the sales opportunity. Record offers, call logs, visits and notes of your customers who provide sales or after-sales service. Manage the sales process efficiently.

Quick Offer Preparation

Create your own offer template. Add stages, categories to your offers. Standardize your offers and avoid wasting time.

Bulk SMS, E-Mail Sending

Record customers' personal, company, contact, invoice, delivery, agent, sales representative, current account information. Send bulk sms, e-mail, publish newsletters.

Staff Management

Management of Personal Files

Save all personnel files of employees. Keep it organized and updated. Easily access when you need it. Do not suffer in the face of laws and lawsuits.

Leave and Overtime Management

Track the paid and unpaid leave of employees. See their overtime, work schedules and working times.

Team Management

Create your company's organizational structure. Define roles, authorities, departments and positions. Manage your team with projects and tasks.

Call Center

Seeing Caller's Information

See the company and personal information of the calling customer on our Rent A Car application. Automatically save your call information. List the calls. If you wish, start a new call.


View customer and sales reps statistics. See the call calendar and daily call schedule.

Mobile Application

Access from Mobile Devices

Use the Rent A Car application with all software features on mobile phones and tablets with iOS and Android applications. Track your business on mobile.

Monitoring Money Movements on Mobile

List your current clients, your safes, your bank accounts. See your receivables and debts. Examine the income-expenditure analysis.

Managing Your Employees from Mobile

Track your employees on mobile. Use your human resources efficiently.