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Created Date
08 Temmuz 2013
Current Version
Last Update
20 Aralık 2024

With the Warehouse Stock application developed for companies in need of warehouse stock, you can manage the products in your stock and follow up the stock entries and exits.

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Warehouse Management

Stock Cards

Create stock cards according to product type such as service, product, semi-finished product, raw material, etc. and add your products. Enter the numbers of blocked items on the stock cards.


Define as many warehouses as you want and add stock cards. See product transaction histories, purchase information, shelf addresses.

Transfer Forms

Create the transfer form by selecting the source type, source warehouse and target warehouse, and list the forms according to their realization status.

Shipment Orders

List open, closed and canceled shipment orders, see the warehouse name, destination and number of products.

Census Forms

Add the items in the counting form manually or with Excel, transfer the result to the stock automatically, and review the counting price difference report.

Stock Value Report

Examine stock value reports according to the number of purchase and sales quantities and the total price.

Product Conversion

Store the products in your stock by dividing them into smaller units or pieces.

Warehouse Stock Management

Stock Cards

Create stock cards according to product type such as service, product, semi-finished product, raw material, etc. and add your products. Enter the numbers of blocked items on the stock cards.

Transfer Forms

Create the transfer form by selecting the source type, source warehouse and target warehouse, and list the forms according to their realization status.

Census Forms

Add the items in the counting form manually or with Excel, transfer the result to the stock automatically, and review the counting price difference report.

Stock Value Report

Examine stock value reports according to the number of purchase and sales quantities and the total price.

Production Warehouse Management

Raw Material Warehouse

See your raw materials in raw material warehouses with their stock, purchase and blocked quantities, and list the movement history of the raw material.

Packaging Warehouse

Manage packaging material stock with warehouse stock application.

Goods Warehouse

Save your completed, ready-for-sale products to the finished goods warehouse.

Semi-finished Warehouse

Save your products that are not usable or salable in semi-finished goods warehouses.

Production Units Mobile Warehouses

Use pocket warehouses for short-term product storage before transfer.

Blocking Feature

Block the materials needed by the production order.

ERP Integrations


All orders you receive through your e-commerce site are transferred to the Mikro program along with product information, warehouse stock information and current account.


With Uygumsoft integration, all your information in the online sales transaction is shared with Uygunsoft simultaneously.


Sales invoices coming from marketplaces or your e-commerce site are automatically transferred to ETA with ETA integration and your products are deducted from stock.


Product orders you receive online are deducted from the stock in the Zirve program simultaneously with your website, and invoice and current information are transferred.

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